
The party is on at Redie. Pass!

Passed! It’s a celebration at Redie because our interns Christian, Robert, and Lucas have successfully completed their exam year. We are extremely proud of these young professionals and the role we play as a recognized training company.

Each school year, we have an average of five BBL students and also a number of BOL students with us. During the internship period, our interns are assigned to one of our mentors: Adrie, Gerard, Zeno, or Mark. They, along with colleagues in the various divisions on the work floor (from machinery work to assembly), ensure that the students have the opportunity to gain valuable experience. The mentors also make sure that communication flows smoothly, both with the students and with the teachers.

An additional asset
We also have an additional asset. When students indicate that they need extra support, for example with the theoretical part of their training, the retired teacher Jan provides that extra help. Jan takes the time needed and has a great passion for ensuring that every student is guided correctly. Many students have already utilized his expertise and are very satisfied with his support.

Each student is provided with their own toolbox on loan, filled with materials, so they can apply their skills in practice and further develop in their field.

A special shout-out to Robert (level 4) for sharing photos of his impressive project. We are excited to see the creative ideas that he and the others will bring in the future!

Christian, Robert, and Lucas, congratulations on receiving your diploma!
