A healing environment in a green setting
ISALA hospital/ REESTDAL rehabilitation
Meppel, The Netherlands
A healing environment in a green setting, that is the result of the new accommodation for Isala Hospital (Diaconessenhuis) and Zorggroep Noorderborg (Reestdal Rehabilitation) in Meppel.
A powerful design by Vakwerk architects that takes into account the future of healthcare.
On behalf of Trebbe, Dura Vermeer, and Engie, we realized various furniture pieces for the hospital and rehabilitation center. This was done in collaboration with Vakwerk architects to ensure an optimal translation of the design into the desired interior.
It is a large complex divided into various spaces, including a pharmacy, reception hall, living areas, grand café, patient and treatment rooms.
With an extensive range of furniture, including counters, pantries, seating and waiting benches, partition walls and bed wall panels, medical gutters, privacy screens, acoustic wall coverings, and adjustable kitchens.
Redie provided both engineering, production and installation of the powerful interior design by Vakwerk architects. The project can be characterized by strong work preparation, bringing together the expertise of both young and old, technology and knowledge of materials.
Engineering, production & installation
Data subjects
Bouwcombinatie Trebbe Dura Vermeer Engie v.o.f. (TDE)
Tim van Beurden (Vakwerk architecten)
Leon van der Velden ( Fotograaf interieur)
Melanie Samat ((Photographer interior)
Egbert de Boer ((Photographer exterior)
Modular design in engineering, production, and assembly

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