Retail non food

Display blocks, storage space, display and seating bench all in one.



Medipoint is the largest provider of healtcare and well-being Medipoint is the largest provider of healthcare and well-being products in the Netherlands. Whether it’s for advice, borrowing, renting, or buying: at Medipoint, you can go with your healthcare questions. Stores and lending points are spread throughout the country.

The new branch in Apeldoorn is already the second custom interior in the new corporate identity of Medipoint that Redie has created. The custom store interior consists of interior parts, such as the walker shelf, presentation blocks, a ‘quickly arranged’ counter, a height-adjustable ‘meet’ counter, and custom-made wall shelves.

The many aids can be excellenty presented in the colors dainty oak pure, red, and bright white. A clear reference to the new corporate identity of Medipoint: clear, natural and orderly.

This is once again a beautiful project that we have realized together with Temmink Bouwprojecten.


Engineering, manufacturing & assembly

Data subjects
Temmink Bouwprojecten

The island display blocks not only offer extra storage space, but also function as a showcase for products and as a seating bench for shoppers.


“From both Redie and Temmink Bouwprojekten we try to work with permanent contacts so that we quickly understand each other and know what the intention or objective is or will be. Contacts are close due to many years of pleasant cooperation. In addition, Redie’s quality requitements correspond to those of Temmink. Realizing beautiful projects together in a pleasant collaboration, where quality, associated price and service are of paramount importance in any order. In short, Redie and Temmink jointly think in solutions and challenges and no longer in problems or impossibilities. ”

Marcel Peters, Temmink Bouwprojekten
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